When asked about the significance of the opening of the China-Europe Railway Express, Andrei Popov, consul general of Belarus in Guangzhou, emphasized that this new rail service has left a profound impression on the expansion and diversification of trade between China and Belarus. The China-Europe Railway Express has further accelerated the development of related logistics transportation and other infrastructure, expanded the supply within the transportation market, and thus enhanced the mutual competitiveness of trade between China and Belarus.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative and the 31st year of diplomatic relations between China and Belarus. Driven by the momentum of the China-Europe Railway Express, the trade relationship between China and Belarus has grown even stronger. According to Chinese statistics, bilateral trade between the two countries soared to $5.08 billion in 2022, marking a significant 33% year-on-year surge and achieving a new historic peak.
What facets does the China-Belarus cooperation encompass? And to what extent is the railway driving this collaboration forward? As the leading province in the Chinese economy, what pivotal role does Guangdong Province undertake in fostering economic and trade interactions between the two countries? A journalist team from Yangcheng Evening News had an insightful interview with Andrei Popov, who holds a deep involvement in the China-Belarus relationship. With firsthand experience in these interactions, he undoubtedly has much to share.
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